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Piranha and Piranha PRO
Look for marker and gear reviews soon

Piranha Review
When I first saw the Piranha series of paintball markers my first thought was " Great,another Spyder knock off!". Well I can tell you after my wife ( Jamia) got hers, the blue and purple one, my mind changed. I was "forced" to use it to play at a field that didn't have nitro and I loved it!! The trigger pull is nice and gas efficiency is up there with the other guns in it's price range. The bps (balls per second)/cyclic rate of fire on the gun is probably around 7-8 shots, but that is really its only drawback. The accuracy with a stock barrel is pretty good for being one of the "low end" guns. The other nice features on this bad boy are the anodizing, a rear cocking bolt(needs a beaver tali though), and a quick strip pin. The basic markers are starting around for the basic and upto around for the Pro model depending on where you get 'em. Speaking of which, I decided to get a "CO2" marker. What did I get? A Piranha PRO, but more on that next time!


In the next week or so we should have a review on the flatline autococker.